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The Keller Hall Project
The Keller Hall project is a journey through time, and a connection with my audience I could only have dreamed of as a younger man. I must acknowledge Tim Villanueva for reaching out to me and reconnecting after many years to remind me of what my music meant to him. Through Tim's reimagining of one of my songs this project came into being. To learn more check out my blog post.
One important reason that I am sharing this relationship, and the resulting Creativity is to show the results of being a part of a creative community. Sharing creative ideas is fulfilling and joyful, Tapping into another’s differences brings new fresh insights and we can call each other into creative challenges that we might not have thought of from our own source!
YOU'RE INVITED! I want to encourage everyone to find your best way to participate. If you need any help getting started simply email me at coach@danielrmandel.com. We explore a lot of these ideas in my podcast Creative Engagement. Join a new course pilot program for FREE called ACTIVATE YOUR CREATIVITY! How do you want to play and share and learn together?

This is the song as captured on the Keller Hall stage. The percussion instrument featured here is a vibraslap.
This version I completed in 2023. My guiding vision was imagining a live band playing off each other's energy. I also updated a few lyrics to align better with my current sensibilities.
The Keller Hall Project
Come & Die
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me or click Edit Text. It's easy to make it your own.
This is the original recording of my band Eclipse. The song Come & Die was about Christ calling his followers to die to themselves and follow his teachings. As a much younger man I wanted to capture the intensity of commitment and the seriousness at the heart of this message.
When I Die
This update is not a complete rewrite. I kept many elements of the song similar up until it became clear that I wanted to express my thoughts and philosophy about death, and that's when the 2nd half of the song got really interesting!
I’m a paragraph. Double click
me or click Edit Text. It's easy to make it your own.
This is the original recording of Eclipse performing Brainstorm. The song is a prog rock romp that ends with simple message about the peak experiences of our lives and really going all out!
For this rewrite I chose to treat the original recording as a demo. As I recreated each section melodies and lyrics poured out of me. It felt like a full circle moment to return to the original melody at the end, and this whole process felt satisfying as a wild exploration of our minds journey.
Times Change (Medley)
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me or click Edit Text. It's easy to make it your own.
This is the original recording of Eclipse performing Times Change. The song is a medley of ideas about relationships. Looking back these lyrics show me as a very sentimental saccharine being very focused on friendships and matters of the heart.
Exploration of Time
This rewrite I believe is the poster child for this whole project! Exploring time and in dialogue with my younger self I am so curious about updating my younger ideas presented as Hallmark card sentiment and focusing on what time does to us, how we experience time and what it means to have a temporary experience within what is boundless.
Reach Out
I’m a paragraph. Double click
me or click Edit Text. It's easy to make it your own.
This is the original recording of Eclipse performing Reach Out. The song is about seeing assurance that life is starting out on track with a good foundation.
The Antidote
Technically this is a new-write instead of a rewrite. All is welcome in my creative processes! I took the same impulse from the song Reach Out and considered what am I reaching out for in my life currently? Simply put I am learning to reach out for authentic connection as the antidote to loneliness!
Country Song
This is the original recording of Eclipse performing Country Song. The overly simplified title belies the songs goal. This song was the result of transcribing a guitar riff into a violin country motif. It is easy in hindsight to look back in embarrassment at the over simplified Christian lyrics, and yet even here I can reflect on making sense of what I was learning to believe about the world around me.
Street Of Mystery
I have to confess after an attempt to rewrite or refresh the Country Song a sense that I was pandering to write such overtly Christian lyrics. In this rewrite I did keep a country music folk music feel. As I began to explore what I believe today I kept returning to seeing existence as a mystery. Walking through the world felt like the right metaphor to tell this story as I have taken to walking daily.