Engage With Me
One on One Coaching | Life Energy Assessment | Creative Challenges
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One on One Coaching
You are in the right place to get unstuck. Discover if we're a good fit to help you "adventurize" your life! Before you jump in cold you can listen to examples of how I work with people in my role of
Life Energy Assessment
How do you want to show up in the world?
It can be challenging to appreciate all the energies that run through our lives. If only there were a way to get a perspective on how we are doing under the stresses of modern life, and how we are doing when life is going well...
Actually there is and it is called the Energy Leadership Index assessment! I offer this with an expert debrief.
You will receive a detailed report that helps you identify patterns that work for you and against you so that you can be self-led. You can dance with your energies instead of being swept away.
To find out more send an email to coach@danielrmandel.com.​​